Worker’s Compensation for Mesothelioma

Dec 26 2023

Workers’ compensation for mesothelioma is pivotal in addressing the aftermath of asbestos exposure in the workplace. This cancer results from extended exposure to asbestos fibers, and it often emerges years later.

Compensation programs in Colorado provide financial and medical support for those facing the physical, emotional and financial challenges of mesothelioma. We want to ensure you or your loved one receives the necessary care and assistance. Affected individuals seeking reparation for occupational asbestos exposure should first understand workers’ compensation.

Am I Eligible for Asbestos Workers’ Compensation?

Determining eligibility for an asbestos workers’ compensation claim involves establishing a clear connection between occupational asbestos exposure and the subsequent development of mesothelioma. Employees diagnosed with mesothelioma must certify their exposure to asbestos:

  • Occurred in the workplace
  • Was due to negligence
  • Resulted from the failure of their employer to provide a safe working environment

We specialize in asbestos-related cases and can assist in gathering evidence to substantiate your claim, such as:

  • Workplace records
  • Medical documentation
  • Witness testimonies

Consultations with occupational health experts can further strengthen your case by providing expert opinions on the link between asbestos exposure and the development of mesothelioma.

Statutes of Limitations for Workers’ Compensation Claims

Certain limitations dictate the timeframe within which a claim must be filed after a mesothelioma diagnosis. The specific time period varies by jurisdiction, and failure to file within the stipulated timeframe may result in the forfeiture of compensation rights.

Mesothelioma often has a latency period, and symptoms may not manifest for several decades after exposure. You need to act promptly once diagnosed. Our firm specializes in asbestos cases and can guide you on the specific statutes applicable to your situation, ensuring compliance and protecting your right to pursue compensation.

Workers’ Compensation Benefits for Mesothelioma Patients

Workers’ compensation benefits for mesothelioma patients encompass a range of support to address the specific challenges resulting from an asbestos-related disease. These might include, but are not limited to:

  • Medical expenses
  • Cost of treatment
  • Ongoing care
  • Lost wages during treatment and recovery
  • Vocational rehabilitation

Employee insurance companies typically cover any workers’ compensation. In cases where mesothelioma leads to disability, workers’ compensation may provide additional disability benefits to help offset the financial impact.

How to File a Workers’ Compensation Claim After Asbestos Exposure

Initiating a workers’ compensation claim after asbestos exposure requires a systematic approach. Following a mesothelioma diagnosis, the affected employee should:

  1. Promptly notify their employer about the illness
  2. Connect the illness to asbestos exposure
  3. Gather and organize documentation, including:
  • Medical records
  • Diagnostic reports
  • Evidence establishing the link between the disease and workplace exposure

Our legal professionals can provide invaluable guidance throughout the claim process. We will ensure all necessary information is presented accurately and comprehensively. The process may involve interactions with your employer and your insurance company, as well as legal proceedings to secure the rightful compensation benefits for your unique situation.

We have offices in Arvada, Aurora, Boulder, Colorado Springs, Denver, Fort Collins, Lakewood and Pueblo. Contact us today to get started with filing your claim.