An experienced, focused firm

Jan 07 2015

As our readers know, people who want to excel must first be focused. Because our Denver law firm is focused exclusively on two areas of law – Colorado workers’ compensation and Social Security Disability – we excel in serving our clients and fighting to help them receive the deserved benefits they have earned and that they need.

Our attention is on the workers who have been injured on the job and have been turned down for workers’ compensation benefits, as well as people who are prevented from working by illness or injury and are being denied Social Security Disability. In both situations, a detailed knowledge of the law and the appeals process can make the difference.

Experience matters
Appeals of a denial of workers’ compensation or denial of Social Security Disability benefits requires going through legal processes in which knowledge of the law is vital. Because the outcomes of the hearings are critical to the futures of our clients, we prepare detailed appeals backed by medical experts.

We also help our clients prepare for the hearings; we understand the questions clients are likely to face.

Because we have been through workers’ compensation appeals, we understand the approach insurers take when attempting to deny benefits that include medical care and wage replacement. We have been through the SSDI hearings as well, and understand what the administrative law judge expects to hear from a claimant.

Our attention is on you
At Alverson + O’Brien, we know the law, the appeals processes and the arguments used to try to deny benefits. Please see our firm overview for more information about our focus and our success.